Collections and Sections


Materials in the library are assumed to be available for consultation and reference.  However, some of these materials need to be available for consultation at all times.  Reference books are not available for loan and must be used in the library, and they are not for general  circulation or for loan.  In some cases, materials that is not necessarily presented in “reference format” will be included in the collection because of the unique nature of its intellectual content, such as are books, books in sets, sacred works, encyclical letters, proverbs, quotations, etc.

It is an essential aid when preparing for assignments.  General and subject-specific encyclopedias, dictionaries and yearbooks enable you to develop a broad understanding of the subject’s field that you should in apply to finding more specific information.


The goal of the Circulation Department is to provide access to the library’s collections and resources, and manage those collections.  Access is provide through the main Circulation / Reserve Desk, through in –house use of materials, and other services such as providing reproducing equipment for print and non-print materials.


Materials or publications about the Philippines, its peoples and culture, regardless of author , imprint and language form part of the Filipiniana Collection .  the Filipiniana  Section collection is located at the 2nd floor of University Library, however Filipiniana  periodicals  materials are integrated with the periodical collection at the Periodical Section .

Mindanao and Muslim Material Collections (Located in Filipiniana Section)

Taking its part in cultural diversity and sensing he need for vital information in this field, reading materials were gathered and placed ad one collection in order to produce reference materials, containing but not limited to, teaching, values, beliefs, trends and history of Islam as a religion and Muslims as believers, commentaries and other related subjects were also included here.   This is attributed to the fact that a number of our population comprises the Muslim community.


The periodicals room houses the magazines, newspaper and journal collection, as well as he multimedia, special and reserve collections.  The current issues of each title is displayed in the shelves labeled alphabetical order.  Newspapers are displayed on rods near the service desk.

Back issues of newspaper and journals are kept and for vertical files of newspaper clippings and for journals they are bound to serve as reference for research endeavors of the patrons.  Materials in this section are non-circulating.

The Periodicals Holdings are indexed.  When helping students obtain desired magazines titles, check the Periodicals Holdings List for accurate information on availability of titles, format, years and location.  The index is found in the periodicals reading area for easy access and retrieval of the materials.


It best describes the fiction and other materials for reading endeavors of the customers. The material range from short stories, fiction and classics. This is located in the General Reference area.


The Engineering library is found at the Ground Floor of Fr. McGrath Building at the Engineering Complex.

The collections found in this building solely cater to the major field collection under the following department: Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electronic and Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.


The Graduate School and Law library is found at the 2nd Floor of the Nepomuceno Building.  The collections found in this section are theses, dissertation, law books, graduate studies books, magazines which are solely intended for law and graduate school students’ used. These materials are not allowed to be taken out from the library.


University collections reflect the history, heritage and standing of a university and the nation.  Collections are the contributions of generations of scholars and other dedicated persons.

The Museum exists to facilities and enhances the teaching, research, and extension programs of the University.  Its responsibility is to assist, when requested and appropriate budget, in collecting, cataloging, and maintaining objects that either serve as teaching resources for departments .  It also the function of maintaining exhibits and conduct programs.  It provides services to any administrative unit of the University.  It is primarily concerned with objects rather than books, but otherwise its mission is similar to that of the Library, in that it maintains its holding in an orderly array so that they may easily be retrieved for scholarly use.


Home to the Oblate Fathers who founded the Notre Dame Educational systems, the library holds some of its collection which comprise the saga of the OMI in Mindanao missions.  Philippine Province.  And the Local history collections include the Regional Development Council materials and others.