Laptop Station

The Laptop Station at the Main Library is a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). It allows students to plug in their laptops when the battery is draining. The purpose of these guidelines is to establish best practices for users who use Notre Dame University Library facilities using their own laptops for research.  It is the user’s responsibility to take appropriate precautions to prevent loss, theft, and/or damage to their laptop and information (s) stored on their laptop.

The following guidelines should be followed by all Laptop Station users:

1. Log in before using the station.
2. A reservation is strictly prohibited.
3. Laptop users shall be on FIRST COME FIRST SERVED basis.
4. Connect your laptop on the wire provided by the library.  Only laptops are allowed to be connected to the OUTLETS provided by the library other gadgets not appropriately specified are not allowed to be wired in the outlets as provided for the purpose.
5. Silence should be observed while doing research.
6. Games, YouTubes, and inappropriate sites are not allowed in the stations.
7. Do not leave your laptop unattended unless it is physically secure.
8. If possible there should only one laptop user for every owned laptop to avoid congestion and noise in the station.