Our Rules


To facilitate the Library Services, all are enjoined to follow the rules and procedures contained in these directives.

  1. Observe silence idle talk, load laughter and necessary noise might disturb others.
  2. Follow strictly the “No eating and smoking” policy of the library.
  3. Throw properly waste papers on receptacles provided.
  4. Report lost book immediately to the librarians. Otherwise, the borrower shall be made to pay overdue fines till the day the book is reported lost.
  5. Borrowers are or to pay total cost of the confirmed lost book.
  6. Stealing and mutilating books are serious offenses which are to be dealt with accordingly. Anyone found guilty of any these offenses shall be:
    • Liable to suspension on the Print Department resources / facilities.
    • Made to pay  a fine P500.00 for stealing and the equivalent amount of book based on the current prices.  P300.00 for mutilating a page of the book.
  7. Present your own validated school I.D. every time you enter the library and you borrow library materials.
  8. Place books taken from the General Circulation helves on the table.  Return books borrowed from the Filipiniana / Reference Section to the Librarian in-charge.
  9. Handle books and other reading materials with care.  They intend to serve many users other than you.
  10. Returned borrowed books on time.  Overdue books are subject to fines as follows:
    • Fiction Books-  P1.00/ day including Sundays and Holidays, if theses service days.
    • Non-fiction Books P1.00/day including Sundays and Holidays, if these are service days.
    • Reserve Books – P2.00 for the first hours and additional P1.00 for every succeeding hour.
  11. Borrowing books and other library materials for immediate relative and friends is strictly prohibited.
  12. Fine must be paid to the assistant librarian.  Always claim  a receipt.
  13. Upon exit,  show date due slip of every library material borrowed.  Also open your bags and folder for inspection.
  14. Cut-off period of borrowing of books by undergraduate and graduate school student is one week before the final exam of the term / semester.

Specific Rules:

For NDU Students:

  1. Undergraduate students may borrow a maximum of 4 books from the circulation  and Filipiniana sections for three (3 ) days during the regular semester and one (1) reserve to be borrowed on overnight basis.
  2. Graduate School student may borrow a maximum of five (5) books for one (1) Week and may renew the books for another week. During summer, the students may borrow three (3) books for three (3) days.
  3. Graduate students who are not enrolled but are on Theses / dissertation writing period are allowed to do library research except borrowing of books and other library a materials. However hey shall be required to present a duly accomplished form signed by the Dean of the Graduate School.
  4. Fiction books may be borrowed for one (1) week and may be renewed for another week unless needed by other borrowers.
  5. Reserve books are issued for an hour. Extension for an additional hour is allowed provided there is no demand from another borrower. Reserve books may be borrowed overnight beginning 6:00 P.M. and to be returned before 7:30 A.M.  the following day.
  6. Students who do not observe the rules and procedures of the Library shall be

First Offense:

    • He/She shall be subjected to one week suspension from borrowing of any library materials.

Second Offense:

    • He/She shall be subjected to one month suspension from borrowing of any library materials.

Third Offense:

    • Students shall b debarred from using and borrowing of any library materials.
  1. Bonafide students securing clearance must present validated I.D. and assessment paper or clearance slip to the General Circulation head and Filipiniana / Reference section head then finally to the University Librarian .
  2. College of Law School Students and Graduate School must proceed to the Law/Graduate School Librarian. Only those with accountability must proceed to the main library for clearance. A validated I.D. and the assessment papers are required for clearance.
  3. Engineering Students must present validated school I.D. and assessment paper or clearance to the Engineering Librarian then she/he must proceed to the main library for final clearance. Clearance must be signed by the Engineering Librarian, Filipiniana section, General Circulation Section and then finally to the University Librarian

For NDU Faculty:

  1. Faculty members may barrow five (5) books at a time during the semester and renewed if there is no demand for use from other borrowers. Reserve books are not allowed for use outside the library.
  2. Faculty members subject to the same rules and regulations imposed on students. This includes penalty for overdue books.
  3. Faculty members are not allowed to borrow books for not related to their teaching loads, (i.e., books needed by spouse, children, and relatives).
  4. Faculty members working on their theses/dissertation may borrow books Said books subject to renewal every semester. Said books may recalled if there is a demand from other users.
  5. Faculty members are encouraged to returned borrowed materials on (1) week after the final examination.
  6. Faculty members who are assigned to prepare Modules or Syllabi may make special arrangements regarding books to be borrowed.  She/he shall subjected to one (1) month suspension from borrowing of library materials for the first offense but all be debarred for succeeding offenses.

For Employees:

  1. Employees enrolled in post graduate / graduate /undergraduate courses are subject to the same rules imposed on students.
  2. Employees who are not enrolled may borrow books from the General Circulation and Filipiniana / Reference Section provided that these books are for job related use and that these are not prescribed for the students.

For Non NDU students, transient visitors and Alumni:

  1. Upon payment of P50.00 to the Business Office, Non-NDU students, local visitors, and alumni are allowed to use the library only during SATURDAY but are not allowed to loan out books and other library materials.
  2. Alumni who have children enrolled at the NDU- ETD are entitles to free entrance at the library but are subject to loaning policies. Those who want to avail the one semester library privileges shall pay a library fee of P380.00 to be paid at the Business Office.
  3. Library materials may be reproduced by photocopying except theses and dissertation.
  4. Elementary students are exempted from paying library fee, but are required to present their school I.D.